Center for Essential Education

About Us

The Center for Essential Education is dedicated to cultivating first-year and second-year students’ essential abilities and general literacy. While developing their own expertise, students are instructed to explore the most appropriate learning areas and expected to know more about their talents via interdisciplinary learning. We chiefly promote language courses and inter-college electives, and through Chinese education, students are able to think through literature and apply literature to their everyday lives. In addition, English courses are developed in a far-reaching cultural aspect and thus students are capable of learning in a multicultural context. Through the inter-college electives, students will have more opportunities to take essential courses offered by not only their own colleges and will open their future to new, interdisciplinary possibilities.

On top of the above mentioned, we also promote information literacy and program design teaching, enhancing students’ literacy of program design and computational thinking with a view to creating more possibilities in interdisciplinary development. Further devoting our teaching to the subject of learning, we particularly develop innovative education via interdisciplinary micro-credit workshops, course poll system, Inspiration Camp: Rules of University, and dorm collaborative learning. In so doing, we hope to create an environment of self-regulated and interdisciplinary learning and meanwhile to balance liberal arts and social sciences learning among students.
