Jui-Hua Chen
Jui-Hua Chen
Assistant Professor
Communication Disorders, Aphasia, Bilingual Studies, Bilingual Education
07-525-2000 #5809
Ph. D. Applied Linguistics, University of London.
Experience and Honor
Contract Assissitant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages & Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University
English Project Assistant Professor, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Foreign Language Instruction, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Applied English, I-SHOU University
Excellent Teaching Award, Si Wan College
Excellent Teaching Award, National SunYat-sen University
Research & Publications
Conference Papers
Chen, J.H. (2023, June). STEAM Education in Higher Education: Integrating STEAM Elements through English Literature. 2023 International Conference on Sustainable General Education, Humanities in Medicine and STEAM Education and Annual Meeting of Taiwan Congress on College General Education. Kaohsiung City: Taiwan.
Chen, J.H. (2022, April). Enhancing the motivation and participation in speaking and writing activities: integrating Padlet into University’s General English courses. 2022 International Conference on Bilingual Education. New Taipei City: Taiwan.
Chen, J.H. (2021, November). Effectiveness of Creative Teaching in University General English Course – by Combining Issue Based Role-Playing Approach and Mobile Learning App VoiceTube. ENGAGE! 2021 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. Kaohsiung: Taiwan.
Chen, J.-H., (2011, September) Linguistic manifestation of aphasia in Taiwanese-Mandarin bilingual speakers”, 44th BAAL Annual Meeting: The Impact of Applied Linguistics, Bristol, England, UK
Periodical articles
Klimova, B., & Chen, J. H. (2024). The impact of AI on enhancing students’ intercultural communication competence at the university level: A review study. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 43, 102-120.
Chen, J-H. (2019) Freewriting Can Offset the EFL Students’ Anxiety of Writing in English, Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy,3,12, pp445-450
Chen, J.-H. (2018) A Language: A Qualitative Study of Code-Switching Among Taiwanese Chinese Bilingual Aphasic Speakers with Selective Recovery Pattern. Journal of Advances in Linguistics,9, pp1452-1470.
Dissertation & Thesis
Chen, J.-H. (2011). Linguistic manifestation of aphasia in Taiwanese-Mandarin bilingual speakers. Applied linguistics and communication. London, Birkbeck College, University of London. PhD: 488
Chen, J.-H. (2004). Lexical access in Chinese aphasic patient: a case study. Applied linguistics and communication. London, Birkbeck College, University of London. Master of Art: 83.
Keynote Speech
- 通識英文:初級、中級、中高級、高級 (全英授課)
- 極限閱讀:挑戰想像力與創造力 (全英授課)
- 餐飲業實用英文(全英授課)
- 英文學術寫作(全英授課)
- 英語口語訓練
- 英文閱讀
- 中文英譯
TESOLtopia創辦人陳瑞華分享ChatGPT應用實戰 提高英語教學效率與學生學習成效
西灣尋寶解謎 中山大學打造雙語闖關遊戲
由創意發想以故鄉為榮 西灣學院全英語卓越教學中心主辦 「2021 中山大學英語口說比賽-My City! My Pride!」