Hui-Ling Lai
Hui-Ling Lai
Assistant Professor
荷蘭伊拉斯姆斯鹿特丹大學 國際社會科學研究院 發展學博士
國立中山大學 社會創新研究所 專任助理教授
氣候變遷及環境議題探究、從國際新聞學人文地理 (英語授課)
英國艾希特大學 (University of Exeter) 地理系 博士後研究人員 (2022.4 – 2023.12)
科技部人文社會科學研究中心 博士級研究人員 (2021.05 – 2022.03)
教育部104年度留學獎學金 (2015)
台達電子文教基金會荷蘭環境獎學金 (博士) (2014)
Chevening Scholarship – 英國政府與台達電子文教基金會聯合環境碩士獎學金 (2012)
Huei-Ling Lai (main applicant), Patrick Devine-Wright, and Jo Hamilton (co-applicants) (2023) “Delivering a Place-based Just Transition in Industrial Clusters” impact accelerator project, Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC, funded by UKRI), UK.
- Lai, H. L. (2023) “From Protected Spaces to Hybrid Spaces: Mobilizing A Place-Centered Enabling Approach for Justice-Sensitive Grassroots Innovation Studies”, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 47:100726. (SSCI)
- Lai, H. L. (2022) “Placing Land and Food Struggles in Agriculture-Industry Power Asymmetry: Insights from Wanbao Village, Taiwan”, Journal of Peasant Studies 49(7): 1524-1552. doi: 10.1080/03066150.2021.1923009 (SSCI)
- Lai, H. L. (2022) “Foregrounding the Community: Geo-Historical Entanglements of Community Energy, Environmental Justice, and Place in Taihsi Village, Taiwan”, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 5(2): 666-693. doi: 10.1177/25148486211000745 (SSCI)
- Lai, H. L. (2019) “Situating Community Energy in Development History: Place-making and Identity Politics in the Taromak 100% Green Energy Tribe Initiative, Taiwan”, Geoforum 100: 176-181. (SSCI)
- Ryder S. and H. L. Lai (in press) “Civic Engagement”, in Dorceta E. Taylor (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Environmental Justice. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publishing (expected in 2024).
- Lai, H. L. (in press) ‘Nuclear Controversy and Antinuclear Movement’, in Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (ed.) Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies. Leiden: Brill (expected in 2024).
- Lai, H. L. and P. Devine-Wright (2023) “Imagining and emplacing net zero industrial clusters: A critical analysis of stakeholder discourse”, at the 2023 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference: Climate Changed Geographies, Imperial College London, UK, 29 August -1 September.
- Lai, H. L. (2023) “From Protected Spaces to Hybrid Spaces: Mobilizing A Place-Centered Enabling Approach for Grassroots Innovation Research”, at the 14th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, 29 August -1 September.
- Lai, H. L., J. Hamilton, and P. Devine-Wright (2023) “Contested New Industrial/Energy Spaces in the UK’s Net Zero Industrial Clusters”, at the 2023 Society of Geography Studies Conference: Geography and Political Ecology (Giornate di Studi “Geografia e Ecologia politica), University of Milan, Italy, 29-30 June.
- Lai, H. L. and P. Devine-Wright (2023) “Examining a cluster-based approach for industrial decarbonization: lessons from the UK” at the 2nd Annual Energy Geography Conference, the Energy and Environment Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), 21 January.
- Lai, H. L., P. Jobin, and H.M. Chiu (2022) “Fair Low-Carbon Transitions and Environmental Justice Movements in Taiwan”, at the ISA/ASA Global Conference on Navigating Uncertain Futures: Social Engagement and Transformative Change, 14-15 October.
- Lai, H. L. (2021) “Imagining Agrarian Degrowth in (Post-)Newly Industrialized Countries through Creating Fairer Metabolic Shift” at the 8th International Degrowth Conference, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), the Netherlands, 24-28 August.
- Lai, H. L. (2020) ‘Community Energy or Citizen Energy? Placing Environmental Justice in Pursuit of Energy Transitions’ at the 3rd biennial conference of the Political Ecology Network: Contested Natures: Power, Possibility, Prefiguration (POLLEN20), University of Sussex, UK, 22-25 September.
- Lai, H. L. (2020) ‘Recasting Land politics as Place-Making Politics: Insights from Taiwan’ at the 3rd biennial conference of the Political Ecology Network: Contested Natures: Power, Possibility, Prefiguration (POLLEN20), University of Sussex, UK, 22-25 September.
- Lai, H. L. (2018) ‘A Quest for Sustainable Rural Development: The Anti-Water Grabbing Campaign and the Alternative Food Network Initiative in Hsichou, Taiwan’ at the 4th Annual World-Ecology Research Network Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland, 15-18 August.
- Lai, H. L. (2018) ‘More than Energy Transitions: Situating Community Energy in Development History’ at the 2nd Biannual Conference of Political Ecology Network: Political Ecology, the Green Economy, and Alternative Sustainabilities’ (POLLEN18), Oslo, Norway, 20-22 June.
- 賴慧玲 (2016) ‘Framing Green Economy: A Discourse Analysis of “Toward a Green Economy in Taiwan”’ 第八屆臺灣發展研究年會「環境及永續發展」,國立臺灣大學,10 月 15-16 日。
- Lai, H. L. (2016) ‘Sustainable Biofuel? A Commodity Chain Analysis of Brazilian Sugarcane Ethanol’ at the 2nd World-Ecology Conference, Durham University, UK, 15-16 July.
- Lai, H. L., P. Devine-Wright, J. Hamilton, D. Clery, I. Rattle, A. Martin, P. Taylor, S. Mander, and S. Ryder (2024) “Delivering Place-sensitive and Fair Industrial Decarbonisation”, Policy Brief, the ‘Delivering of a Place-based Just Transition in Industrial Clusters’ impact accelerator project, Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC), UK.
- Devine-Wright, P., H. L. Lai, and J. Hamilton (2023) “Net Zero Sense of Place Framework (Summary)”, the ‘Net Zero Sense of Place’ project, IDRIC, UK.
- Lai, H. L. (2023) “How to Make Industrial Decarbonisation Relevant and Fair for Local Communities?”, blog on the ACCESS (Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Science) website.
• 賴慧玲 (2019)「透視『非核不可』迷思」英國薩塞克斯大學安迪.史特靈教授專訪 (三篇),《The News Lens 關鍵評論網》,2019/06 – 2019/07
• 賴慧玲 (2018)「進擊的荷蘭」氣候協議與能源轉型系列報導 (三篇) ,《低碳生活部落格》及《荷事生非》合作專題,2018/11
• 賴慧玲 (2017)「2017年波昂聯合國氣候變遷會議連線」深度報導 (兩篇) ,《低碳生活部落格》及《環境資訊電子報》合作專題,2017/11/13 – 2017/11/17
• 賴慧玲 (2016-2017)「荷蘭烏特列支能源城市對話」系列文章(六篇),《低碳生活部落格》,2016/06 – 2017/05
• 賴慧玲 (2016)「拜耳併購孟山都,全球農糧體系變局?」,《端傳媒》,2016/06/23
• 賴慧玲 (2015)「2015年巴黎聯合國氣候變遷會議連線」系列報導(十三篇),包含聯合國糧農組織副總幹事專訪及 Naomi Klein 演講報導,《低碳生活部落格》及《環境資訊電子報》合作專題,2015/12/01 – 2015/12/13