Huann-Shyang Lin
Huann-Shyang Lin
Chair Professor
07-5252000 #5866
美國明尼蘇達大學(University of Minnesota)科學教育博士
科技部106年度傑出特約研究員獎 (2017)
中華民國科學教育學會終身成就獎 (2017)
Distinguished Contribution Award, The East-Asian Association for Science Education (2013).
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education(2013~迄今)
科技部特約研究計畫主持人 (2014-2017)
PISA 2015 國際學生評量計畫 National Project Manager(2012-2016)
國立中山大學中山講座教授 (2012-迄今)
PISA 2006 國際學生評量計畫 National Project Manager(2004-2008)
美國University of Minnesota 傑出校友獎(2002)
科學教育學刊(國科會優良學術期刊, TSSCI 期刊)總編輯(2002-2004)。
- 公民科技素養調查整合型計畫(第三期)-公民科技素養調查整合型計畫(第三期)(105-2511-S-110-001-MY4)
- 《科學與數學教育研究》國際期刊規劃案 (105-2742-S-110 -001 -MY3)
- 提升國中學生學習興趣及科學素養之實務研究 (104-2511-S-110 -013 -MY3)
- 台灣參加PISA 2015的執行與研究-我國學生科學素養分析及國際比較研究(4/4)(104-MOE-S-110-001)
- 台灣參加PISA 2015的執行與研究-我國學生科學素養分析及國際比較研究(3/4)(103-2511-S-110-001)
- 科學創造力與科學探究能力之評量與教學初探 (103-2511-S-110 -004 -MY3)
- 《科學與數學教育》 (102-2742-S-110-001-MY3)
- 台灣參加PISA 2015的執行與研究-我國學生科學素養分析及國際比較研究(2/4) (102-2511-S-110-001-)
一、學術期刊論文( Referred Journal articles)
- Hong, Z., Lin, H., & Lawrenz, F. (2008). Promoting single-parent children’s attitudes toward science and science performance through extracurricular science intervention in Taiwan. International Journal of Science Education, 30(4), 469-493. (SSCI) (Rank: 60/113=53.10% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=0.690.) (Web of science citation:10次;Google scholar citation:14次)
- Hong, Z., Lin, H., & Veach, P. M. (2008). Effects of an Extracurricular Science Intervention on Science Performance, Self-Worth, Social Skills, and Sexist Attitudes of Taiwanese Adolescents from Single-Parent Families. Sex Roles, 59, 555-567. (SSCI) (Rank: 11/29=37.93% in Women’s Studies category. Impact Factor=0.743.) (Web of science citation:9次;Google scholar citation:14次)
- Lin, H., Hong, Z., & Cheng, Y. (2009). The interplay of classroom learning environment and inquiry based activities. International Journal of Science Education, 30(4), 469-493. (SSCI) (Rank: 39/139=28.06% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.047.) (Web of science citation:5次;Google scholar citation:25次)
- 紀惠英、林煥祥 (2009)。從PISA測驗結果看九年一貫課程成效與高中職學生成績的差異。教育政策論壇,12 (1),1-39。(TSSCI) (Google scholar citation:17次)
- 李松濤、林煥祥、洪振方 (2010)。探究式教學對學童科學論證能力影響之研究。科學教育學刊,18(2), 155-175。(TSSCI) (Google scholar citation:13次)
- 楊淑萍、林煥祥 (2010)。由家庭經濟財及文化財探討我國學生在PISA科學、數學素養的表現。科學教育學刊,18(6),547-562。(TSSCI) (Google scholar citation:18次)
- Lin, H., Hong, Z., Chen, C. & Chou, C. (2011). The effect of integrating aesthetic understanding in reflective inquiry activities. International Journal of Science Education, 33(9), 1199-1217. (SSCI) (Rank: 40/206=19.42% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.232.) (Web of science citation:9次;Google scholar citation:14次)
- Hong, Z., & Lin, H. (2011). An investigation of students’ personality traits and attitudes toward science. International Journal of Science Education. 33(7), 1001-1028. (SSCI) (Rank: 40/206=19.42% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.232.) (Web of science citation:30次;Google scholar citation:48次)
- Lin, H., Hong, Z., Wang, H., & Lee, S. (2011). Using reflective peer assessment to promote students’ conceptual understanding through asynchronous discussions. Educational Technology & Society, 14(3), 178-189. (SSCI) (Rank: 58/206=28.16% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.011.) (Web of science citation:7次;Google scholar citation:29次)
- Chen, C., Lin**, H., Hsu, Y., & Lee, H. (2011). Data and claim: The refinement of science fair work through argumentation. International Journal of Science Education, Part B : Communication and Public Engagement,1(2), 147-164. (corresponding author) (Google scholar citation:5次)
- Hong, Z., Lin, H., Wang, H., Chen, H., & Yu, T. (2012). The Effects of Functional Group Counseling on Inspiring Low Achieving Students’ Self-worth and Self-efficacy in Taiwan. International Journal of Psychology, 47(3), 179-191. (SSCI) (Rank: 89/126=70.63% in Psychology, Multidisciplinary category. Impact Factor=0.632.) (Web of science citation:5次;Google scholar citation:10次)
- Lin, H., Hong, Z., & Huang, T. (2012). The role of emotional factors in building public scientific literacy and engagement with science. International Journal of Science Education, 34(1), 25-42. (SSCI) (Rank: 35/219=15.98% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.340.) (Web of science citation:17次;Google scholar citation:40次)
- Hong, Z. & Lin, H. (2012). Impacts of a book reading club intervention on enhancing parents’ positive thinking. Journal of Health Psychology, 17(2), 273-284. (SSCI) (Rank: 44/114=38.60% in Psychology, Clinical category. Impact Factor=1.882.) (Web of science citation:4次;Google scholar citation:7次) .
- Hong, Z., Lin, H., & Lawrenz, F. (2012). Effects of an integrated science and societal implication intervention on promoting adolescent’s positive thinking and emotional perceptions in learning science. International Journal of Science Education, 34(3), 329-352. (SSCI) (Rank: 35/219=15.98% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.340.) (Web of science citation:7次;Google scholar citation:34次)
- Lin, H., Hong, Z. & Lawrenz, F. (2012). Promoting and scaffolding argumentation through reflective asynchronous discussions. Computers & Education, 59, 378-384. (SSCI) (Rank: 7/219=3.20% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=2.775.) (Web of science citation:18次;Google scholar citation:31次)
- Lin, E., Lin, H.,& Chou, C. (2012). Development of Cloud Cooperative Learning Style Scales: Applying Cloud Computing Concept on Cloud Cooperative Learning of Information Science Education. Computer Science & Service System, 68-71. (Google scholar citation:1次)
- Juan, C., Chou, C.,& Lin, H. (2012). Research on the Free Choice Cooperative Learning: Taking the Optical Fiber Circuit Measurement as the Problem-Solving Example. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 239-240, 247-250.
- 楊桂瓊、林煥祥、洪瑞兒 (2012)。以論證活動探討國小學童論證能力和科學本質之表現。科學教育學刊,20(2),145-170。(TSSCI) (Google scholar citation:9次)
- Lin, H., Lawrenz, F., Lin, S., & Hong, Z. (2013). Relationships among affective factors and preferred engagement in science related activities. Public Understanding of Science, 22(8), 941-954. (SSCI) (Rank: 3/42=7.14% in History & Philosophy of Science category. Impact Factor=1.932.) (Web of science citation:20次;Google scholar citation:32次)
- Lin, H., Hong, Z., Yang, K. & Lee, S. (2013). The impact of collaborative reflections on teachers’ inquiry teaching. International Journal of Science Education, (35)18, 3095-3116. (SSCI) (Rank: 31/219=14.16% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.516.) (Web of science citation:8次;Google scholar citation:18次)
- Hong, Z., Lin, H., Wang, H., Chen, H., & Yang, K. (2013). Promoting and Scaffolding Elementary School Students’ Attitudes toward Science and Argumentation through a Science and Society Intervention. International Journal of Science Education, 35(10), 1625-1648. (SSCI) (Rank: 31/219=14.16% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.516.) (Web of science citation:9次;Google scholar citation:19次)
- Gilbert, J., & Lin, H. (2013). How might adults learn about new science and technology? : The case of nanoscience and nanotechnology. International Journal of Science Education, Part B : Communication and Public Engagement, 3(3), 267-292. (Google scholar citation:14次)
- Hong, Z. & Lin, H. (2013). Boys’ and girls’ involvement in science learning and their self-efficacy in Taiwan. International Journal of Psychology, 48(3), 272-284. (SSCI) (Rank: 51/129=39.53% in Psychology, Multidisciplinary category. Impact Factor=1.226.) (Web of science citation:5次;Google scholar citation:14次)
- Lin, S., Lin*, H., & Wu, Y. (2013). Validation and exploration of instruments for assessing public knowledge of and attitudes toward nanotechnology. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(4), 548-559. (SSCI) *(Corresponding author). (Rank: 85/219=38.81% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=0.869.) (Web of science citation:11次;Google scholar citation:18次)
- Lin, H., Hong, Z., & Chen, Y. (2013). Exploring the development of college students’ situational interest in learning science. International Journal of Science Education, 35(13), 2152-2173. (SSCI) (Rank: 31/219=14.16% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.516.) (Web of science citation:7次;Google scholar citation:22次)
- 林煥祥、洪振方(2014)。早期的燃燒說。台灣化學教育,3,1- 4。
- Liu, S., & Lin, H. (2014). Undergraduate students’ science-related ideas as embedded in their environmental worldviews. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 12(5), 1001-1021. (SSCI) (Rank: 147/224=65.63% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=0.575.) (Web of science citation:3次;Google scholar citation:8次)
- Liu, S., & Lin, H. (2014). Undergraduate students’ ideas about nature and human-nature relationships: An empirical analysis of environmental worldviews. Environmental Education Research, 20(3), 412-429. (SSCI) (Rank: 63/224=28.13% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.088.) (Web of science citation:3次;Google scholar citation:15次)
- Liu, S., & Lin*, H. (2014). Primary teachers’ beliefs about scientific creativity in the classroom context. International Journal of Science Education, 36(10), 1551-1667. (SSCI) * (corresponding author) (Rank: 61/224=27.23% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.132.) (Web of science citation:6次;Google scholar citation:24次)
- Hong, Z., Lin, H., Chen, H., Wang, H., & Lin, C. (2014). The effects of aesthetic activities on improving at-risk family children’s anxiety about learning science and positive thinking. International Journal of Science Education, 36(2), 216-243. (SSCI) (Rank: 61/224=27.23% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.132.) (Web of science citation:2次;Google scholar citation:5次)
- Jack, B., & Lin, H. (2014). Igniting and sustaining interest among students who have grown cold towards science. Science Education, 98(5), 792-814. (SSCI). (Rank: 7/224=3.13% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=2.825.) (Web of science citation:6次;Google scholar citation:17次)
- Jack, B., Lin*, H., & Yore, L. (2014). The synergistic effect of affective factors on student learning outcomes. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(8), 1084-1101. (SSCI). *(Corresponding author) (Rank: 4/224=1.79% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=3.162.) (Web of science citation:10次;Google scholar citation:16次)
- Chen, H., Wang, H., Lin, H., Lawrenz, F., & Hong*, Z. (2014). Longitudinal study of an after-school, inquiry-based science intervention on low-achieving children’s affective perceptions of learning science. International Journal of Science Education, 36(13), 2133-2156. (SSCI) (Rank: 61/224=27.23% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.132.) (Web of science citation:4次;Google scholar citation:8次)
- 林煥祥、洪振方(2015)。早期的原子量制定。台灣化學教育,7,1- 5。
- Lin, S., Lin, H., Lee, L., & Yore, L. D. (2015). Are science comics a good medium for science communication? The case for public learning of nanotechnology. International Journal of Science Education, Part B : Communication and Public Engagement, 5(3), 276-294. DOI: 10.1080/21548455.2014.941040. (Google scholar citation:9次)
- Ho, T., Lin, H., Chen, C., & Tsai, J. (2015). Development of a computer-based visualized quantitative learning system for playing violin vibrato. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(1), 71-81. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12124.(SSCI) (Rank: 38/231=16.45% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.633.) (Web of science citation:2次;Google scholar citation:7次)
- Liu, S., & Lin*, H. (2015). Exploring undergraduate students’ mental models of the environment: Are they related to environmental affect and behaviour? Journal of Environmental Education, 46(1), 23-40. (SSCI) *(Corresponding author) (Rank: 97/231=41.99% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.033.) (Web of science citation:3次;Google scholar citation:18次)
- 楊桂瓊、陳雅君、洪瑞兒、林煥祥* (2015)。新興科技融入探究式教學的成效探討。科學教育學刊,23(2),111-127。(TSSCI) *(Corresponding author)。(Google scholar citation:4次)
- Yang, K., Hong, Z., Liu, M., & Lin*, H. (2015). Exploring the role of visitors’ self-identity in marine museum learning. International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 5(4), 375-393. *(Corresponding author). (Google scholar citation:1次)
- Ho, T., & Lin, H. (2015). A web-based painting tool for enhancing student attitudes toward learning art creation. Computers & Education, 89, 32-41. (SSCI) (Rank: 9/231=3.90% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=2.881.) (Web of science citation:2次;Google scholar citation:3次)
- Yang, K., Lin, S., Hong, Z., & Lin*, H. (2016). Exploring the assessment of and relationship between elementary students’ scientific creativity and science inquiry. Creativity Research Journal, 28(1), 16-23. DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2016.1125270. (SSCI) *(Corresponding author). (Rank: 66/129=51.16% in Psychology, Multidisciplinary category. Impact Factor=1.216.) (Web of science citation:1次;Google scholar citation:1次)
- Chen, H-T; Wang, H-H, Lu, Y.-Y., Lin, H-S., & Hong*, Z. (2016). Using A Modified Argument-Driven Inquiry to Promote Elementary School Students’ Engagement in Learning Science and Argumentation. International Journal of Science Education, 38(2), 170-191. DOI:10.1080/09500693.2015.1134849. (SSCI) (Rank: 103/236=43.64% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.240.) (Web of science citation:2次;Google scholar citation:2次)
- Lin, S., & Lin, H. (2016). Learning nanotechnology with texts and comics: The impacts on students of different achievement levels. International Journal of Science Education, 38(8). 1373-1391. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2016.1191089 (SSCI) (Rank: 103/236=43.64% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.240.) (Web of science citation:1次;Google scholar citation:5次)
- 林煥祥(2016)。制式科學教育的發展與省思。科學研習(傳承、創新科學教育,科教館60周年館慶特刊),55(11),18-19。
- 林煥祥(2016)。超越紙筆之外- 談科學教育之評量。科學研習(傳承、創新科學教育,科教館60周年館慶特刊),55(11),33-40。
- Jack, B., She, H., & Lin*, H. (2016). Effects of self-evaluated value and cognition on leisure science engagement. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 6(4), 341- 354. DOI: 10.1080/21548455.2016.1222104. *(Corresponding author). (Google scholar citation:1次)
- Yang, K., Lee, L., Hong, Z., & Lin*, H. (2016). Investigation of effective teaching strategies for developing creative science thinking. International Journal of Science Education, 38(13), 2133-2151. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2016.1230685. (SSCI) *(Corresponding author) (Rank: 103/236=43.64% in Education & Educational Research category. Impact Factor=1.240.) (Google scholar citation:3次)
- 陳雅君、洪瑞兒、佘曉清、林煥祥* (2016)。臺灣學生科學素養與科教學者研究成果表現之 發展趨勢探討。科學教育學刊,24(4),333-354。(TSSCI) *(Corresponding author)。
- Wang, H., Chen, H., Lin, H., & Hong*, Z. (2017). The Effects of College Students’ Positive Thinking, Learning Motivation and Self-regulation through a Self-reflection Intervention in Taiwan. Higher Education Research & Development, 36(1), 201-216. DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2016.1176999. (SSCI) (2016 Rank: 106/236=44.92% in Education & Educational Research category. 2016 Impact Factor=1.206.) (Google scholar citation:1次)
- Jack, B. M., Lee, L., Yang, K., & Lin*, H. (2017). A science for citizenship model: Assessing the effects of benefits, risks, and trust for predicting students’ interest in and understanding of science-related content. Research in Science Education, 47(5), 965-988. DOI:10.1007/s11165-016-9535-9. (SSCI) *(Corresponding author). (2016 Rank: 88/236=37.29% in Education & Educational Research category. 2016 Impact Factor=1.329.) (Google scholar citation:1次)
- Ho, T., & Lin, H. (2017). The development and evaluation of a tablet painting application for enhancing the artistic expression skills of students through reflection. Computers & Education, 115, 56-68. (2016 Rank: 7/236=2.97% in Education & Educational Research category. 2016 Impact Factor=3.819.)
- 陳映孜、何曉琪、劉昆夏、林煥祥、鄭英耀* (2017)。從教師自編科學成就測驗之Rasch 分析看教與學。教育科學研究期刊,62(3),1-23。(TSSCI)
- Jack, B. M., & Lin*, H. (2017). Making learning interesting and its application to the science classroom. Studies in Science Education, 53(2), 137-164. DOI: 10.1080/03057267.2017.1305543 (SSCI) *(Corresponding author). (2016 Rank: 21/236=8.90% in Education & Educational Research category. 2016 Impact Factor=2.417.)
- Wang, H., Chen, H., Lin, H., & Hong*, Z. (2017). Longitudinal Study of Cooperation- driven SSIs Intervention on Promoting Students’ Critical Thinking and Self-regulation in Learning Science. International Journal of Science Education, 39(15), 2002-2026. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2017.1357087. (SSCI). (2016 Rank: 103/236=43.64% in Education & Educational Research category. 2016 Impact Factor=1.240.)
- Liu, S., & Lin, H. (2018). Envisioning preferred environmental futures: Exploring relationships between future-related views and environmental attitudes. Environmental Education Research, 24 (1), 80-96. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2016.1180504. (SSCI) (2016 Rank: 50/236=21.19% in Education & Educational Research category. 2016 Impact Factor=1.709.)
- Jack, B. M.,& Lin*, H. (2018). Warning! Increases in interest without enjoyment may not be trend predictive of genuine interest in learning science. International Journal of Educational Development, 62, 136-147. *(Corresponding author). (SSCI)
- 潘怡如、陳雅君、林煥祥* (2018). 以科學新聞融入教學提升中學生自我效能及論證能力之探討。科學教育學刊,26(1),71-96。*(Corresponding author). (TSSCI)
- Pan, Y. T., Yang, K. K., Hong, Z. R, & Lin*, H. (2018). The effect of interest and engagement in learning science on adults’scientific competency and environmental action. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(12), em1609. *(Corresponding author). DOI:
- Wang, H., Hong, Z., Liu, S., & Lin*, H. (2018). The impact of socio-scientific issue discussions on student environmentalism. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(12), em1624. *(Corresponding author). DOI:
- 王薪惠、林煥祥、洪瑞兒 (2018). 臺灣公民科技素養、科學興趣及科學參與之探討。教育科學研究期刊,63(4),229-259。(TSSCI).
- 林淑梤、林煥祥 (2019). 偽科學信念與科學素養的共存與抗衡?-民眾參與科學和偽科學活動之探究。教育科學研究期刊。64(2), 69-97。(TSSCI).
- Yang, K., Hong, Z., Lee, L., & Lin*, H. (2019). Exploring the significant predictors of convergent and divergent scientific creativities. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 31, 252-261. *(Corresponding author).
- Shieh, F., Lin, H., Liu, S., & Tsai, C. (2019). Effect of peer coaching on teachers’ practice and their students’ scientific competencies. Research in Science Education. DOI:
- She, H.-C., Lin, H., & Huang, L. (2019). Reflections on and implications of the PISA 2015 performance of students in Taiwan: The role of epistemic beliefs about science in scientific literacy. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 56(10), 1309-1340. DOI: 10.1002/tea.21553. (SSCI).
- Chen, Y., Wilson, K., & Lin*, H. (2019). Identifying the challenging characteristics of systems thinking encountered by undergraduate students in chemistry problem-solving of gas laws. Chemistry Education Research and Practices, 20, 594-605. (SSCI)
- Liu, S., Lin, H., & Tsai, C. (2020). Ninth grade students’ mental models of the marine environment and their implications for environmental science education in Taiwan. Journal of Environmental Education, 51(1), 72-82. DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2019.1633990. (SSCI)
- Chen, Y., Pan, Y., Hong, Z., Weng, X., & Lin*, H. (2020). Exploring the pedagogical features of integrating essential competencies of scientific inquiry in classroom teaching. Research in Science & Technological Education, 38(2), 185-207. *(Corresponding author). (SSCI).
- Liu, S., Lin, H., & Tsai, C. (2020). The effect of pedagogical GAME model on students’ PISA scientific competencies. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12406. (SSCI).
- Wang, H., Hong, Z., Lin, H., & Tsai, C. (2020). The relationships among adult sustainability attitudes, psychological well-being, nature relatedness, and interest in scientific issues. Current Psychology. (SSCI)
- Pan Y., Yang, K., Wilson, K., Hong, Z., & Lin*, H. (2020). The impact of museum interpretation tour on visitors’ engagement and post-visit conservation intentions and behaviours. International Journal of Tourism Research. *(Corresponding author). (SSCI)
- 鄭瑞洲、林煥祥 (2020). 臺灣公民對非制式科學教育場域的態度與參訪動機之研究。科技博物,24(3), 63-83。
- 鄭立婷、林煥祥、洪振方 (2020). 透過科學營探討弱勢學生之探究能力表現。科學教育學刊,28(3), 197-221. (TSSCI)
- Lu, Y., Lin, H., Hsu, M., Smith, T., & Hong, Z. (2020). The effects of critique-driven inquiry intervention on students’ critical thinking tendency and scientific inquiry competency. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(6), 954-971. DOI:10.33225/jbse/20.19.954 (SSCI)
- Wang, H., Lin, H., Chen, Y., Pan, Y., & Hong, Z. (2021). Modeling Relationships among Students’ Inquiry-related learning activities, enjoyment of learning, and their intended choice of a future STEM career. International Journal of Science Education, 43(1), 157-178. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2020.1860266. (SSCI)
- 韓俜亭、洪瑞兒、魯盈讌、林煥祥、王薪惠、黃愛雅 (2021). 大學運動績優排球選手自我統合與幸福感差異之相關研究。教育科學研究期刊,66(2), 111-144. (TSSCI)
- Shieh, F., Lin, H., Liu, S., & Tsai, C. (2021). Effect of peer coaching on teachers’ practice and their students’ scientific competencies. Research in Science Education, 51, 1569-1591. (SSCI)
- Cheng, L., Smith, T. J., Hong, Z., & Lin*, H. (2021). Gender and STEM background as predictors of college students’ competencies in forming research questions and designing experiments in inquiry activities. International Journal of Science Education, 43(12), 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2021.1994167 *(Corresponding author). (SSCI)
- Smith, T., Walker, D., Chen, H., Hong, Z., & Lin, H. (2021). School belonging and math attitudes among high school students in advanced math. International Journal of Educational Development, 80, 1-7. (SSCI)
- 吳枚英、林煥祥、洪振方、洪瑞兒 (2022). 探討實證知情實務教學介入對國中生食安素養的成效。教育科學研究期刊,67(3),113-146。(TSSCI)
- 鄭瑞洲、林煥祥 (2022) . 臺灣公民參訪非制式科學教育機構對公民參與科學的影響:科學興趣所扮演的中介角色。科學教育學刊,30(2), 149-170。 (TSSCI)
- Yang, K., Hong, Z., Lee, L., & Lin*, H. (2022). Supportive conditions and mechanisms of teachers’ professional development on inquiry-based science teaching through a learning community. Research in Science & Technological Education, 40(1), 127-148. DOI: 10.1080/02635143.2020.1779051 *(Corresponding author). (SSCI)
- Wang, H., Hong, Z., She, H., Smith, T., Fielding, J., & Lin*, H. (2022). The role of structured inquiry, open inquiry and epistemological beliefs in developing secondary students’ scientific and mathematical literacies. International Journal of STEM Education, 9:14. *(Corresponding author). (SSCI)
- Tseng, Y.-J., Hong, Z., & Lin*, H. (2022). Advancing students’ scientific inquiry performance in chemistry through reading and evaluative reflection. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 23, 616-627 DOI: 10.1039/D1RP00246E. *(Corresponding author). (SSCI)
- 魯盈讌、林煥祥、林福來、洪瑞兒 (2022). 探討科學探究文創工作坊提升高中職學生科學探究自我效能之差異與預測力。教育科學研究期刊,67 (4),177-219。(TSSCI)
- Wang, H., Wilson, K., VanRooy, W., & Lin*, H. (2023). Pre-service primary teachers’ competencies in asking and conducting researchable science questions using fair testing. Research in Science Education, 53,155-171 *(Corresponding author). (SSCI)
- Lu, Y., Smith, T., Hong, Z., Lin, H., & Hsu, W. (In Press). Exploring the Relationships of Citizens’ Scientific Interest and Self-understanding to their Learning Enjoyment and Self-efficacy in Science. Current Psychology,
- 鄭立婷、曾郁然、林煥祥、洪瑞兒 (2022接受刊登). 以閱讀科學文本教學模式提升高中生科學能力之探究。科學教育學刊,(TSSCI)
- 林煥祥 (2022). 從PISA看台灣的科學教育。台灣化學教育,48。中國化學會90周年特刊。
- Jack, B. M., Hong, Z.-R., Lin, H.-s., & Smith, T. J. (In Press). Ecological stimuli predicting high school students’ genuine interest in SSI. Science & Education. doi:10.1007/s11191-022-00413-4.
二、學術研討會論文 (Conference paper)
- Lin, H. (2008). Taiwan- Educational system of a PISA winner. Keynote speech at the conference of Invest in Future, Stuttgart, Germany, October 13-14.
- 林煥祥 (2008)。由PISA的測驗反思我們的教學與評量。Invited speaker at 2008華人社會的課程與教學改進學術研討會。澳門大學,11月22-24日。
- Chen, J. J., Lin, H., Hsu, Y. S., & Lee, H. (2009). Data and claim: The refinement of science fair work through argumentation. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Garden Grove, CA., April 17-21.
- Lin, H., & Hong, Z. R. (2009). Using reflective practice of assessment promote students’ argumentation and conceptual understanding in asynchronous discussions. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Science Education Research Association, Geelong, July 1-4.
- Lin, H. (2010)。期刊論文之寫作與修改實例分享。Invited speech at the 國科會研究計畫撰寫暨期刊論文寫作研討會。中山大學,May 27-28.
- Lin, H., Hong, Z., Yang, K., & Chen, Y. (2010). Using collaborative reflections to support teachers’ inquiry-based instruction. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Science Education Research Association, New South Wales, Australia, June 30th- July 3rd.
- Lin, H. (2010). Issues and trends in science teacher education in Taiwan. Invited speech at the Workshop of International comparative study on graduate programs developing higher quality mathematics and science teachers with global mind, Tokyo University of Science, November 22-23.
- Lin, H., & Hong, Z. (2011). The role of emotional factors in building public scientific literacy and engagement with science. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Orlando, Florida, April 3-6.
- Lin, S.-F., Lin, H., & Wu, Y. (2011). Assessing Public Understanding of and Attitudes toward Nanotechnology. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association. Sep 5-9. Lyon, France.
- Lin, S.-F., Lin, H., & Wu, Y. (2011). Effect of multimedia learning and text learning on public understanding of nanotechnology. Paper presented at the 2011 TERA International Conference on Education. Dec 15-18, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Lin, H., Lawrenz, F., & Hong, Z. (2012). Promoting and scaffolding argumentation through reflective asynchronous discussion. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Science Education Research Association, Queensland, Australia, June 27-30.
- Lin, H. (2012). My recent journey of inquiry-related studies. Keynote speech at the annual conference of the Association for Science Education in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, December 13th.
- Lin, H., Lin, S.F., Yang, K. K., & Hong, Z. (2013). Exploring the assessment of and relationship between elementary students’ scientific creativity and science inquiry. Paper presented at the annual conference of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, Hong Kong, July 3-5.
- Lin, H. (2013). 美學了解與科學學習。國立高雄應用科技大學弘心毅志講座。December, 16th.
- Lin, H., Hong, Z., Lee, L., Lin, S., & Gilbert, J. (2014). Using thematic comics to promote public understanding of nanotechnology. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 30th-April 2nd.
- Lin, H. (2014)。論文審查之經驗分享. Invited speech at the科技部科教發展及國際合作司主辦科學教育領域期刊審查人工作坊。國立台灣師大,April 25th
- Lin, H. (2015). Becoming as a thoughtful and constructive reviewer. Invited speaker at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Chicago, April 12-15.
- Lin, H. (2015). Chairing an invited symposium promoting and disseminating publications of International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education at the biennial conference of the European Science Education Research Association. Helsinki, August 31th- September 4th.
- Yang, K. K., Lin*, H., & Hong, Z. (2015). Developing free-choice online test items for the assessment of elementary students’ science inquiry competency. Paper presented at the conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Helsinki, Finland. August 31-September 4.
- Lin, S., & Lin, H. (2015). The learning impacts of science comics and science texts for the different achievers. Paper presented at the conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Helsinki, Finland. August 31-September 4.
- Liu, S., & Lin, H. (2015). University students’ visions of preferred environmental futures: An exploratory study at Taiwan. Paper presented at the conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Helsinki, Finland. August 31-September 4.
- Lin, H. (2015). 研究計畫之寫作經驗分享。科技部科教發展及國際合作司科學教育及多元族群科教學門南區說明會邀請演講。國立中山大學,September 18th.
- Lin, H. (2015). My exploration of interdisciplinary training and research. 科技部科教發展及國際合作司應用科學教育學門跨領域座談會邀請開幕式演講。高雄,October, 9th.
- Lin, H. (2016)。淺談通識教育的教學與研究. 實踐大學提升教學品質研討會開幕式演講。高雄,February, 19th.
- Lin, H. (2016)。如何由審查意見精煉文章品質。科技部科教學門辦理論文寫作工作坊邀請演講。台北,March, 25th.
- Lin, H., Yore, L., Dagher, Z., Erduran, S., Kaya, E., BouJaoude, S., Wild, A., Rap, S., Rogan-Klyve, A., & Bulls, D. (2016). International Committee Administrative Sponsored Symposium – Promoting Cross- Culture Science Education Research: My exploration of cross-cultural studies. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, Maryland, April 15th-April 17th.
- Jack, B., & Lin*, H. (2016). Assessing changes in relations among self-evaluated values, cognition, and engagement in leisure science free-choice learning. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, Maryland, April 15th-April 17th.
- Yang, K., Lee, L., Hong, Z., & Lin*, H. (2016). The investigation of effective strategies for developing creative science thinking. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, Maryland, April 15th- 17th.
- Lin, H. (2016)。期刊論文的撰寫與修改心得。高雄醫學大學教師研習邀請演講。高雄,May, 6th.
- Lien, C., Lin, H., Isozaki, T., So, W., Wang, L., Chang, C., Shin, M., Song, J., & Huang, H. (2016). EASE book project symposium. The 2016 EASE book: Science education research and practice in East-Asia: Trends and perspectives- Findings from the EASE book project (2013-2016). Symposium presented at the biennial conference of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, Tokyo, August 26th-28th.
- Jack, B., Lee, L., Yang, K., & Lin*, H. (2016). Science for citizenship model (SCM): Assessing the effects of benefits, risks, and trust for predicting students’ interest in science-related content. Paper presented at the biennial conference of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, Tokyo, August 26th-28th.
- Chen, Y., & Lin*, H. (2016). Taiwan students’ engagement in science: Analysis of data from PISA 20006 and2015 field trial test. Paper presented at the biennial conference of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, Tokyo, August 26th-28th.
- Wang, H., Chen, H., Yang, K., Pan, Y., Lin, H., & Hong*, Z. (2016). The impact of a short-term camp on students’ awareness and mental models toward marine environment. Paper presented at the biennial conference of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, Tokyo, August 26th-28th.
- 林煥祥 (2016)。通識教育教學精進策略分析。博雅通識教育創新教學學術研討會邀請演講。實踐大學高雄校區,November 4th.
- Lin, H. (2016). The role of student interest in learning science. A keynote speech presented at the 32nd Association of Science Education at Taiwan Annual International Conference. December 9th-10th, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Chen, H., Wang, H., Lu, Y., Lin, H., & Hong*, Z. (2017). Effects of Female role models-driven inquiry on students’ images of scientists and scientific career awareness. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio, Texas, April 23th- 25th.
- Yang, K., Lee, L., Hong, Z., & Lin*, H. (2017). Exploring the significant predictors of student creative science thinking performance. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio, Texas, April 23th- 25th.
- Wang, H., Hong, Z., Lin*, H., Chen, H., & Yang, K. (2017). The impact of an environment-driven socio-scientific issue on undergraduate students’ environmental consciousness. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio, Texas, April 23th- 25th.
- Lin, H. (2017). How student interest in learning science can be triggered and promoted? An invited speech at the Northern Illinois University, April 26th.
- 林煥祥 (2017). Essential components of scientific inquiry.高雄醫學大學醫學院教師研習邀請演講。高雄,October, 26th.
- 潘怡如、林煥祥 (2017)。以討論式教學提升高中生化學學習成效之探討。台灣教育研討會2017學術研討會。國立中山大學,11月25日。
- 楊桂瓊、李姈、洪瑞兒、林煥祥 (2017)。教師參與科學創造力教學課程共備成效之探討。台灣教育研討會2017學術研討會。國立中山大學,11月25日。
- 王薪惠、林煥祥、洪瑞兒 (2017)。台灣公民科技素養、科學興趣及科學參與度之探討。台灣教育研討會2017學術研討會。國立中山大學,11月25日。
- 潘儀庭、蔡俊彥、謝甫佩、劉叔秋、林煥祥 (2017)。同儕教練模式對科學教師PCK及科學能力教學之效果。台灣教育研討會2017學術研討會。國立中山大學,11月25日。
- Lin, H., & Hong, Z. (2018). Challenges and opportunities of promoting in-service teachers’ professional development through learning community. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference of Education, Hawaii, January 3rd-5th.
- Hong, Z., & Lin, H. (2018). The effects of a cooperative inquiry teaching on children’s attitudes toward science and inquiry competency. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference of Education, Hawaii, January 3rd-5th.
- Chen, Y., Lin*, H. (2018). Exploring the development and implementation of integrating essential competencies of scientific inquiry in teaching. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA, March 10th-13th.
- Lu, Y-Y., Chen, H-T., Wang, H-H., Yang, K-K., Lin, H-S., *Hong, Z. R. (2018). Promoting Children’s Engagement in Learning Science and Science Self-efficacy through a SADI Intervention. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA, March 10th-13th.
- Pan,Y-T., Yang, K-K., Hong, Z. R., & Lin, H-S.(2018) .The effect of interest and engagement in learning science on adults’ environmental actions and scientific competency. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta, GA, March 10th-13th.
- 李松濤、林煥祥 (2018)。科學節目收識與科學活動參與對於科學素養表現的解釋力探究。2017科學傳播研討會。台北,1月19 -20日。
- Chen, Y., & Lin*, H. (2019). Investigating college students’ translation and representation of gas laws through the lens of systems thinking. Paper accepted and will be presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD, March 31th- April 3, 2019.
- Wang, H. Hong, Z., & Lin*, H. (2019). The Role of Engagement, Enjoyment, and Self-efficacy in Building Students’ and Adults’ Scientific Competencies. Paper accepted and will be presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD, March 31th- April 3, 2019.
- Lu, Y., Lin, H., & Hong*, Z. (2019). Effects of Supportive Argument-Driven Inquiry Teaching on Children’s Self-efficacy of and Engagement in Learning Science. Paper accepted and will be presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD, March 31th- April 3, 2019.
- Pan, Y., Hong, Z. & Lin*, H. (2019). Impacts of museum tour interpretation on visitors’ interrelatedness toward marine environment and post-visit conservation behaviors. Paper accepted and will be presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD, March 31th- April 3, 2019.
- Chen, H-T., *Hong, Z. R., & Lin, H. (2019). Effects of female scientist modeling teaching on children’s image of science and scientific career awareness. Abstract was accepted by American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), April 5-9, Toronto.
- Wang, H., Hong, Z., & Lin, H. (2019). Effects of Supportive Argument-Driven Inquiry Teaching on Primary and Secondary School Students’ Self-efficacy of and Engagement in Learning Science. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Science Education Research Association, Queenstown, New Zealand, July 2-5, 2019.
- Lu, Y. Hong, Z., Lin, H., & Wang, H. (2019). Exploring Taiwanese citizens’ interest in, and understanding of science-related issues, perceptions about enjoyment in science learning and well-being. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Science Education Research Association, Queenstown, New Zealand, July 2-5, 2019.
- She, H., Hwang, L., & Lin, H. (2019). PISA 2015 Scientific Literacy Performance of Students in Australia and Taiwan: An International Comparison Study. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Australian Science Education Research Association, Queenstown, New Zealand, July 2-5, 2019.
- 林煥祥(2007): 智育理念與實踐。載於教育部主編:德智體群美五育理念與實踐(頁55-104)。台北:教育部。
- 林煥祥 (2008) :台灣參加PISA2006成果報告 (ISBN 978-957-41-5148-6). 國科會計畫編號:NSC 95-2522-S-026-002.
- 林煥祥 (2012) :大眾科學普及用書–奈米科技通 (ISBN 978-957-41-9524-4). 國科會計畫編號:NSC 100-2511-S-110-004-MY3.
- Lin, H., Gilbert, J. K., & Lien, C. (Eds.). (2016). Science Education Research and Practice in East Asia: Trends and Perspectives. Taipei: Higher Education Publishing.
- 佘曉清、林煥祥(主編)(2017)。PISA 2015台灣學生的表現。台北市:心理出版社。
- 陳雅君、林煥祥(2017)。台灣學生閱讀素養的表現。載於佘曉清、林煥祥(主編),PISA 2015台灣學生的表現(116-158頁)。台北市:心理出版社。
- Chen, Y., Hong, Z., & Lin*, H. (Under review). Exploring Students’ Scientific Competency Performance on PISA 2015 Paper-based Assessment and Computer-based Assessment. In L. Unsworth (Ed.). Learning from viewing and creating animations in science education. *(Corresponding author).
- 林煥祥(主編)(2020)。2018年台灣公民科技素養概況。高雄市:國立中山大學西灣學院公民素養推動研究中心。
- 林煥祥、廖培珊(2020)。2018年台灣公民科技素養調查簡介。載於林煥祥(主編),2018年台灣公民科技素養概況(1-19頁)。高雄市:國立中山大學西灣學院公民素養推動研究中心。
- 林煥祥、李姈(2020)。本調查的主要發現及相關應用。載於林煥祥(主編),2018年台灣公民科技素養概況(257-268頁)。高雄市:國立中山大學西灣學院公民素養推動研究中心。