Andrew N.D. Yang
Andrew N.D. Yang
Retired Assistant Professor
英國雷汀大學社會學碩士 1980
英國倫敦大學政經學院碩士 1981
英國牛津大學沃夫生學院 (Wolfson College, Oxford University)研究 1982-84
國立中山大學中山學術研究中心助理研究員( 1986/8 )
國立中山大學中山所兼任講師( 1988/9-1989/7 )
國立中山大學學術研究處交流組組長( 1997/9-2002/7 )
美國新聞總署( USIA )訪問學者獎勵 (1997 )
薩茨堡研習營學者獎勵 (1998 )
外交部諮詢委員 (1998- )
行政院陸委會諮詢委員(1999-2001 )
國防部國防報告書諮詢委員 (2000- )
國防部高級戰略研究班講座(2003 )
Andrew N.D. Yang and James Mulvenon, edited, A Poverty of Riches: New Challenges and Opportunities in PLA Research, published by RAND, National Security Research Division, 2003.
Yang, Andrew Nien-Dzu, “China’s Satellite Development”, RUSI Journal, August 2003.
Yang, Andrew Nien-Dzu, The PLA and Taiwan Strait Campaign, CAPS PAPERS, No. 34, edited by Richard H. Yang, November 2003.
Yang, Andrew N.D., “The alternative to peace: War scenarios” in Steve Tsang ed., Peace and Security Across the Taiwan Strait, Palgrave, Macmillan, March 2004.
Yang, Andrew Nien-Dzu, “Forthcoming Conflict under the “Status-quo” in The Taiwan Strait”, RUSI Journal, February & March 2004.
Yang, Andrew N.D., “Taiwan’s Diminished President”, 040330, AWSJ.
Yang, Andrew N.D., “China’s Revolution in Military Affairs: Rattling Mao’s Army” in Emily O. Goldman and Thomas G. Mahnken ed., The Revolution in Military Affairs in Asia published by Palgrave, Macmillan, 2004.
Yang, Andrew N.D., “Taiwan at a Crossroads: Postmortem of the Presidential Election Roars”, Presented at the Brookings-FICS Conference “Taipei-Washington-Beijing Relations after the Presidential Election”, Taipei, May 23, 2004.
Yang, Andrew N.D., “Possible Road Map of President Chen’s Reforms and Their Impacts on Cross-Strait Relations” Journal of International Security Affairs, summer issue, 2004.
Yang, Andrew N.D., “Taiwan’s Defense Measures in Managing Cross Strait Tension”, CAPS-RAND-CEIP Conference, Oct. 21-22, 2004. Taipei, Taiwan.
Yang, Andrew N.D., “Realism and the Cross-Strait Relations (2003-05): Whither the Status Quo”, the Center for China-US Cooperation’s (CCUSC)’s Third Annual International Symposium, May 13-14, 2005. Denver, Colorado, USA.
Yang, Andrew N.D., Taiwan’s Defense Preparation Against Beijing’s Military Attacks, CAPS PAPERS, No. 39, edited by Richard H. Yang, November 2005.
楊念祖,“中共「新安全觀」的認知對新世紀軍事戰略調整的影響”,建構二十一世紀台灣的戰略定位與策略-紀念鈕先鍾教授戰略學術研討會, 淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所,民國95年三月四日
楊念祖,“中國軍力擴張現況與對台海及亞太區域的威脅”,台海危機10周年回顧座談會,淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所, 民國95年三月十六日
Yang Andrew N.D., “China’s Military Threat Poses a Clear and Present Danger to Taiwan and East Asia”, Views & Policies: Taiwan Forum, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2006, Cross-Strait Interflow Prospect Foundation.
Yang, Andrew N.D., ” U.S. – China-Taiwan Entanglement in Cross-Strait Disputes-A Realist Dilemma “, conference paper presented at Conference on 2006 Asia-Pacific Forum: Asia Eyes America: U.S. Asia-Pacific Strategy and Its Regional Implication, May 4-5, 2006, Naval War College, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
Yang, Andrew N.D., “U.S.-China-Taiwan Entanglement in Cross-Strait Relations – A Realist Dilemma”, Asia Eyes America in Jonathan Pollack ed. 2007;
Assessing the Threat: The Chinese Military and Taiwan’s Security, Edited by Michael D. Swaine, Andrew Yang, and Evan Medeiros, with Oriana Mastro, Carrie Mullen of Carnegie’s publication department, 2007;
Yang, Andrew N.D., “Military of the People’s Republic of China: Strategy and Implementation”, Strategic Yearbook 2007 China Rising: Reaction, Assessment, and Strategic Consequences, Edited by Bo Huldt, Mika Kerttunen, Bo Wallander, Masako Ikegami, and Susanna Huldt of The Swedish National Defence College, 2008.