Francis K. H. So
Francis K. H. So
Adjunct Professor
Medieval and Renaissance English Literature, Chinese-Western Comparative Study of Literature, Literature and Religion, Court Culture, Chinese-English Translation
office: College of Literal Arts (文LA5030)
Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of Washington, Seattle
2018/08~2019/07 Professor of English, Kaohsiung Medical University
2018/02~2018/12 Advisor, Humanities and social sciences, Department of Information and Technology Education, Ministry of Education
2016/10~2020 Supervisor, Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies
2016/01~2019/12 Advisory Board Member, ROC English & American Literature Association
2014/12 Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU)
2014/10~2016/06 Convener, “Language, Culture and Area Studies Group,” Humanities and Social Sciences Committee, Ministry of Education
2014/08~2018/07 Chair Professor of English, Kaohsiung Medical University
2013/08~2014/07 Distinguished Professor of English, Providence University
2009/08~2013/07 President, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages
2008/08~2018 Joint Professor, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU)
2008/08~2009/07 Vice President for Academic Affairs, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages
2000/08~2003/07 Dean, College of Liberal Arts, NSYSU
1999/12~2000/07 Founding Director, America Center, NSYSU
1995/08~2000/07 Director, University Library, NSYSU
1993/10~1994/08 Visiting Scholar, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
1990/07~2008/07 Professor of English, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature, NSYSU
1988/08~1991/07 Chairperson, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature, NSYSU
1988/08~1989/07 Founding Director, Alliance Française de Kaohsiung, NSYSU
1983/08~1990/06 Associate Professor, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature, NSYSU
2010/12 Honorary Member, the Phi Tau Scholastic Honors Society, R.O.C.
2010 Listed in Asian Admirable Achievers, Vol. IV (New Delhi: Rifacimento International, 2010), p. 453
2005 Excellent Teaching Award, NSYSU
2003-2004 Distinguished Research Award, NSYSU
Teaching courses
109-1 Chivalric, Romantic and the Exotic Writings in Ancient China
- 2005 European Expedition: Medieval Romance Reader). Taipei: Bookman [書林].
- 2005 Literature, Religion, Gender and Ethnicity: England, Middle East and China in the Middle Ages. Taipei: Linking Books [聯經]. (國科會人文學研究中心出版補助獎)
- 2002 Compendium of Historico-Geographical Terms of Turkestan [Western Territories] Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen UP
- So, Francis K. H., Beatrice Leung, and Ellen Mary Mylod, eds. The Catholic Church in Taiwan: Birth, Growth and Prospects. Vol. 1. The Catholic Church in Taiwan: Problems and Prospects. Vol. 2. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
- Francis K. H. So ed. Perceiving Power in Early Modern Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
- An, Sonjae, and Francis So, eds. Emotions in Literature. Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 2010.
2018 蘇其康、王儀君、張錦忠主編。《望鄉牧神之歌:余光中作品評論與研究》。臺北:九歌。
2018 So, Francis K. H., Beatrice Leung, and Ellen Mary Mylod, eds. The Catholic Church in Taiwan: Birth, Growth and Prospects. Vol. 1. The Catholic Church in
Taiwan: Problems and Prospects. Vol. 2. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
2016 Francis K. H. So ed. Perceiving Power in Early Modern Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
2010/09 An, Sonjae, and Francis So, eds. Emotions in Literature. Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 2010.