

西灣學院 助理教授
博雅教育中心 合聘助理教授


07-5252000 #5859




美國俄亥俄州立大學(Ohio State University) 鄉村社會學 博士

國立台灣大學  農業推廣學研究所  碩士

國立台灣大學  農業推廣學系推廣教育組 學士



英國倫敦政經學院(LSE)短期研究訪問學者(101/9-10, 102/6-7, 103/6-7)




Journal Associate Editor (PLOS ONE (2022-), SN Social Science (2022-))




國立中山大學新進教師獎勵(110年, 111年)

國立中山大學優良課程(107-2, 108-1, 108-2, 109-2, 110-1, 110-2, 111-1)

國立中山大學EMI課程獎勵(110-2, 111-1)














112年 永續創新素養測量與影響因素之研究:科學文化之溝通觀點MOST 112-2410-H-110 -045 -SS2。(112/08/01 ~ 114/07/31。共同主持人)

111年 大學生科學創新素養與永續發展之研究:知識與文化觀點之檢視。MOST 111-2410-H-110-012。(111/08/01 ~ 112/07/31。共同主持人)

110年 空污(PM2.5)居民健康風險溝通研究。MOST 110-2511-H-110 -008 -MY3(2021/08/01~2024/07/31。計畫主持人)

110年 敘事的力量:以科學敘事化為本的氣候變遷教學模組發展、學生學習歷程與成效分析研究MOST 110-2511-H-110 -015 -MY3 (2021/08/01~2024/07/3。共同主持人)

109年 文化智能與創造力研究:跨文化的觀點-跨領域能力與社會創新:認知多元研究(子計畫五)(109-2511-H-110-010-)(2020/08/01~2021/07/31。計畫主持人)

108年 氣候關心、科學不確定性與跨領域問題覺知關係之研究(108-2511-H-110-010-) (2019/8/1~2020/7/31。計畫主持人)

107年 台灣科學文化研究:科學的脈絡意義(107-2511-H-110-007- ) (2018/8/1~2020/7/31。計畫主持人)

107年 大學生農食教育研究:透過都市農業實作體認食物生產與消費(107-2511-H-110-004-MY2) (2018/8/1~2020/7/31。共同主持人)

107年 探討與提升氣候變遷教育中的系統性思考能力(107-2511-H- 110-008-MY3) (2018/8/1~2021/7/31。共同主持人)

106年 科技風險溝通策略研究:氣候變遷議題為例(106-2511-S- 110-007-) (2017/8/1 ~2018/7/31。計畫主持人)

106年 博物館生命教育促進大學生環境倫理關係之研究(106-2511-S-110-006-) (2017/8/1~2018/7/31。共同主持人)

103年 臺灣-保加利亞雙邊合作計畫人員交流PPP (研究人員)


112年 高教深耕計畫「共學.實踐」計畫:地方發展與永續農業。(2023/1/1~2023/12/31。協同主持人)

110年 媒體素養教育活動推廣計畫媒體素養課程補助(課程主持人)。

108年 探索永續農業典範:透過校園農場培養大學生土地親近感(教育部補助大專院校教學實踐研究計畫) (2019/08/01~2020/07/31共同主持人)

108年 強化與東協與及南亞國家合作交流: 東南亞科學文化研究專題研習人才班 (2019/4/1~2020/3/31。計畫主持人)

107年 強化與東協與及南亞國家合作交流: 東南亞科學文化假日學校 (2018/4/1~2019/3/31。計畫主持人)

107年 教育部我國與牛津大學合作發展學術策略聯盟計畫審核通過選送人員 (Oxford Internet Institute (OII),Project title: Trusted Innovation – Junk Science, Fake News, and Public Understanding of Artificial Intelligence)


2018 MOREPE – Mobilising Resources for Public Engagement Project (Project Survey Research Consultant and PI in Taiwan)

2015 Research Project on Mapping the Cultural Authority of Science across Europe and India (MACAS), INDIA–EUROPEAN RESEARCH NETWOKING PROGRAMME- ICSSR-ANR-DFG-ESRC-NWO Joint Funding Scheme (Participant Researcher)




  1. 林季怡、李育諭。(2023)。校園農場之食農教育:學習永續農業與土地親近感。教育科學研究期刊。(TSSCI)。通訊作者。
  2. Chi-I Lin & Yuh-Yuh Li (2022) Empowering undergraduate students to take action: An empathetic mindset towards education for sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 通訊作者。 https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSHE-07-2021-0319 (SSCI) Correspondence.
  3. Yuh-Yuh Li & Shu-Chiu Liu(2022) Examining Taiwanese students’ views on climate change and the teaching of climate change in the context of higher education, Research in Science & Technological Education, 40:4, 515-528, DOI: 1080/02635143.2020.1830268 (SSCI).
  4. Marta Entradas, Martin W. Bauer, Colm O’Muircheartaigh, Frank Marcinkowski, Asako Okamura, Giuseppe Pellegrini, John Besley, Luisa Massarani, Pedro Russo, Anthony Dudo, Barbara Saracino, Carla Silva, Kei Kano, Luis Amorim, Massimiano Bucchi, Ahmet Suerdem, Tatsuo Oyama, Yuh-Yuh Li (2020). Public communication by research institutes compared across countries and sciences: Building capacity for engagement or competing for visibility? PLOS ONE, 15(7): e0235191. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0235191. (SCI).
  5. 鄭瑞洲,李育諭,林煥祥(2019)。臺灣公民參與科技議題活動與參訪科學工藝類博物館的關係及變化。科技博物,23(2), 71-95。
  6. Shein, P. P., Falk, J. H., & Li, Y.-Y. (2019). The role of science identity in science center visits and effects. Science Education, 103(6), 1478–1492. (SSCI).通訊作者.
  7. 葉雯霞,謝佩妤,李育諭(2019)。探討服務學習課程提升學生積極公民態度與技能。通識學刊:理念與實務,7(1), 37-72。通訊作者。
  8. 李育諭,林季怡(2018)。大學跨領域能力、課程參與、和問題覺知關係之研究。科學教育學刊,26(S), 419-440。(TSSCI)。
  9. 林季怡,李育諭(2018)。跨領域永續課程提升大學生整體性思考及衝突問題解決能力:以海洋永續教育為例。科學教育學刊,26(1),1-27。(TSSCI)。通訊作者。
  10. Chi-I Lin, & Yuh-Yuh Li (2018). Protecting life on land and below water: Using storytelling to promote undergraduate students’ attitudes toward animals. Sustainability, 10(7), 1-15. (SSCI). 通訊作者.
  11. Chi-I Lin, & Yuh-Yuh Li (2017). An auto-photographic study of undergraduate students’ conceptions of ocean sustainability. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 18(4), 554-575. (SSCI).
  12. Chun-Yen Tsai, Yuh-Yuh Li, & Ying-Yao Cheng (2016). The relationships among adult affective factors, engagement in science, and scientific competencies. Adult Education Quarterly, 60 (1), 30-47. (SSCI).
  13. Paichi Pat Shein, Yuh-Yuh Li & Tai-Chu Huang (2015). The four cultures: Public engagement with science only, art only, neither, or both museums. Public Understanding of Science. (SSCI).通訊作者.
  14. 李育諭,黃臺珠(2015)。台灣民眾如何看待科技的發展?是否太濫情?─簡介公民素養調查結果。台灣科技與社會2015年六月電子報。
  15. Paichi Pat Shein, Yuh-Yuh Li, & Tai-Chu Huang (2014). Relationship between scientific knowledge and fortune-telling . Public Understanding of Science, 23(7):780-796. (SSCI).
  16. 葉雯霞,李育諭,孫國瑋(2014)。大學生領導類型DISC量表適用性之研究。科學與人文研究,3(1): 1-14。
  17. Chia-Jung Lin, Yuh-Yuh Li, Chia-Yi Lin, & Chiu-Ju Lu (2012). Young table tennis players’ involvement in the practice: a test of Eysenck and Calvo processing efficiency theory. International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences, 7: 47-51.
  18. Yuh-Yuh Li (2011). Social structure and informal social control in rural communities. International Journal of Rural Criminology, 1 (1), 63-88.



李育諭(主編) (2016). 2015年台灣青少年永續素養概況,國立中山大學公民素養推動研究中心出版。



  1. 李育諭(2020)。民眾對科技發展之態度,歷年變化及其社會差異。2018年台灣公民科技素養概況(ISBN:978-957-9014-85-4)。高雄市:國立中山大學西灣學院公民素養推動研究中心。
  2. Chun-Ju Huang, Yuh-Yuh Li, & Yin-Yueh Lo. (2020) From nationalising science to democratising science. In Toss Gascoigne et al. (eds), Communicating Science: A Global Perspective. Canberra: ANU Press. DOIhttp://doi.org/10.22459/CS.
  3. Meng-Fen Yen, & Yuh-Yuh Li. (2019) Public attitude toward investment in sustainable cities in Taiwan. International Business, Trade and Institutional Sustainability (World Sustainability Series) (ISBN: 978-3-030-26758-2; 978-3-030-26759-9). 725-738. Switzerland: Springer.
  4. Yuh-Yuh Li, & Chun-Yen Tsai. (2019) chapter 12: The science, the paranormal, cohorts and cognitive polyphasia: authority of science in Taiwan. The Cultural Authority of Science: Comparing across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas (ISBN: 9781138059924 – CAT# Y331585). Oxon: Routledge.



  1. 李育諭 (主編)(2015)。2015年台灣青少年永續素養調查執行報告,國立中山大學公民素養推動研究中心出版。
  2. 黃台珠, 蘇明俊, 李育諭(主編)(2012)。危害相關情境的調查工具及效化。國立中山大學公民素養推動研究中心出版。
  3. 黃台珠, 蔡俊彥, 李育諭 (主編)(2012)。自然資源相關情境的調查工具及效化。國立中山大學公民素養推動研究中心出版。
  4. 黃台珠, 游光昭, 李育諭 (主編)(2012)。尖端科技相關情境的調查工具及效化。國立中山大學公民素養推動研究中心出版。
  5. 黃台珠, 周進洋, 李育諭 (主編)(2012)。環境相關情境的調查工具及效化。國立中山大學公民素養推動研究中心出版。
  6. 黃台珠, 趙大衛, 謝百淇, 李育諭, 林玉雯(主編)(2012)。健康相關情境的調查工具及效化。國立中山大學公民素養推動研究中心出版。


  1. Yuh-Yuh Li, & Sapna Goyal (2023). Public understanding of climate change in Taiwan and India: From the perspective of gender and culture. PCST conference 2023. Apr 11-14. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: 11 – 14 April 2023.
  2. Yuh-Yuh Li (2021) Communicating risk of vaccination in East and Southeast Asia: society, science, and cognitive polyphasia. In the Symposium of Attitudes to Science in 144 countries – re-examining the Wellcome Global Monitor of 2018. PCST 2021, Aberdeen 24-27 May 2021.
  3. Yuh-Yuh Li (2019). Undergraduate students’ attitude toward the investment in sustainable cities in Taiwan. the 10th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC2019), at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Thailand.
  4. Yuh-Yuh Li (2019). The Relationship between Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes with Regard to Organic Food, the Conception of Food Quality and Production, and Interdisciplinarity. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society (RSS 2019), Richmond, Virginia, USA.
  5. Yuh-Yuh Li (2018) The study of communication strategies of climate change. In 2018 PCST Conference in Dunedin, New Zealand.3-6 April, 2018.
  6. Yuh-Yuh Li (2017) The study of environmental risk communication strategy: an example of environmental communication of climate-change. In 2017 World Environmental Education Congress Vancouver, BC | September 9-15.
  7. 楊家豪、蔡俊彥、趙翊君、劉映彤、李育諭、鄭英耀。(2016)。大學生對社會性科學議題的關心與態度 – 以登革熱防治為例。2016第32屆科學教育國際研討會。中華民國科學教育學會舉辦。12/8-10,國立自然科學博物館,台中。
  8. Yuh-Yuh Li, Chun-Yen Tsai, Cheng, Ying-Yao Cheng, & Tai-Chu Huang (2016) Public engagement in science: Factors that prevent public from engaging in scientific policy decision making. 2016International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE2016 Tokyo). Tokyo University of Science. August 26-28, 2016.
  9. 李育諭、林季怡。(2016)。通識教育與山海胸襟:淺論大學生整體性思考能力的培養。2016年公民素養暨通識教育學術研討會。國立中山大學。高雄。台灣。
  10. Yuh-Yuh Li (2016) Public understanding of science and technology in Bulgaria, Taiwan and UK. Panel: Attitudes to science EAST and WEST – structures and changes in the long run. 14th Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) conference: the global conference on science communication. April, 26-28. Istanbul, Turkey.
  11. 李育諭、孫國瑋。(2015)。青少年永續發展知識程度之測量與題目品質分析。2015 全球華人教育資訊與評估學術研討會暨中國測驗學會年會。國立台中教育大學。台中。台灣。
  12. Yuh-Yuh Li (2015) Public understanding of science and paranormal belief in Taiwan: Late generation and its impact on cognitive polyphagia. Paper presented at the meeting of 2015 The Cultural Authority of Science–Common Sense in Comparison (WORKSHOP), Cape Town, South Africa.
  13. Yuh-Yuh Li, & Tai-Chu Huang (2015) An examination of the mediational knowledge-attitude model in public understanding of science and technology. Paper presented at the 2015 International Conference of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
  14. Yuh-Yuh Li (2015) Does reading literature play a role in narrowing the gap between the knowledge and behavior on preserving marine environment? 2015 World Environmental Education Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden. Jun 29-July 2 2015.
  15. Yuh-Yuh Li (2015) The trend, and the suggestion of key word extraction of Taiwan corpus in Chinese science news from 1990 to 2010.MACAS – Mapping the Cultural Authority of Science . Istanbul 3,6-9, 2015.
  16. 孫國瑋、李育諭、黃台珠。(2013)。公民科學素養的測量—從對科學的瞭解面向來看。2013 第29屆科學教育國際研討會。國立彰化師範大學。
  17. 劉桂君、李育諭、黃台珠。(2013)。閱聽人獲取科技議題的傳播管道與媒介使用偏好。2013 第29屆科學教育國際研討會。國立彰化師範大學。
  18. 謝幸娟、李育諭、黃台珠(2013):特定學科之主觀科學性與幸福感認知。2013第29屆科學教育國際研討會。國立彰化師範大學。
  19. Yuh-Yuh Li, Guo-Wei Sun, Hsin-Jen Shieh, Tai-Chu Huang(2013) Length of Survey and Quality of Response, The 2013 International Conference on Survey Research Methodology. Taipei, Taiwan.
  20. Yuh-Yuh Li, Tai-Chu Huang(2013) Scientific literacy, attitude to science and paranormal belief, 5th Conference of European Survey Association. Ljubljana,
  21. Yuh-Yuh Li, David Chao,Ying-Yao Cheng,Tai-Chu Huang(2012) Public interest in science and technology from scientific literacy survey in Taiwan, 2012第28屆科學教育國際研討會.
  22. Yuh-Yuh Li, Tai-Chu Huang (2012) Para-scientific beliefs and science literacy in Taiwan, Mapping The Cultural Authority Of Science Across Europe And India. New Delhi, India.
  23. Yuh-Yuh Li, Tai-Chu Huang (2012, Jul). Public interest and informed knowledge of agriculture in rural and urban Taiwan. 75th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Chicago, US. NSC 99-2511-S-011-007-MY2.
  24. Yuh-Yuh Li, Tai-Chu Huang (2012, Apr). The social bases of science communities: social contexts of interest in science and technology. 12th PCST (public communication of science and technology) conference, Florence, Italy. NSC 99-2511-S-110-007-MY2.
  25. Yuh-Yuh Li & Joseph F. Donnermeyer (2011, Jul). Place, distance to city and crime. The 74th Annual Conference of the Rural Sociological Society and Community Development Society, Boise, Idaho. NSC 100-2914-I-276-001-A1.
  26. Chia-Jung Lin, Yuh-Yuh Li, Chia-Yi Lin, Chiu-Ju Lu (2011, Apr). The study of young table tennis player’s involvement in the practice: a test of Eysenck and Calvo’s Processing Efficiency Theory. The 12th ITTF Sports Science Congress, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  27. Chien Hui Liu & Yuh- Yuh Li (2011, Apr). Undergraduate students’ planned behaviors and their moderators in the determination of educational investment in graduate school. The 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
  28. Yuh-Yuh Li (2009, Aug). Crime and Rural Communities. 72th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

