About Si Wan College

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Innovative cross-disciplinary teaching and International learning environments.

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From a student's point of view

Let Pearl (a PIS student) to tour you around Si wan's learning environment.

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Commitment & Features

Si Wan College, NSYSU, aims to develop the cultivation of "Slashers," who willingly dedicate their professional knowledge and interests to working multiple jobs and fully master their own lives in the era of knowledge economy and experience economy.

In other words, they will not let their expertise be an obstacle but continuously expand their practicality. With the rapid changes in technology, politics, and economy, interdisciplinary learning, hands-on experience, and exploration of the future have become more and more substantial today.

Enhancing such abilities requires students to attain a professional knowledge alongside like-minded and passionate individuals. Si Wan College provides the first year's Essential Education, six-dimension General Education, Physical and Health Education, etc., whereby students from different departments can freely interact with one another.

Moreover, Program of Interdisciplinary Studies was established in 2019 with an aim to cultivate students' interdisciplinary learning.


Discussions do not necessarily require square tables, and space separation does not require walls.

Students can learn together in the Maker Space and Creative Learning Space, making full use of environmental resources.

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An overview of Si Wan College's organizational structure and centers.

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Faculty & Staff

Build NSYSU's creative learning brand together.

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Highlights of Si Wan College's research and activities.

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