
     繳交時間:3月03日(一)9:00至 3月06日(四) 17:00止
Time : March 3th (Monday) 9:00 to March 6th (Thursday) 17:00


Location : Si Wan College, in front of the elevator on the 10th floor of the Info-Library Building.


Go to course selection system (login ID and password)/ Related information on course selection/ print out the form【Application for  Exceptional  Circumstances  in Course Selection】


繳交注意事項submission precautions

1.姓名下方請寫手機號碼Please write your mobile number below your name.

(GESL開頭課號) 確認有貼上異常處理貼紙(並確認貼紙課號無誤)

Add liberal arts courses (course code starting with GEAE), English course (course code starting with GEEN) and service learning (course code starting with GESL). Make sure there is an exception handling sticker attached (and make sure the stickers course code is correct).

3.完成所有簽名:(1).開課教師 (2).系所主管或導師 (3).本人

Complete all signatures: (1). Course instructor (2). Department Head or Tutor (3). In-person signing


Please go to the department office of each department to process the courses of the department → Curriculum Division, and there is no need to send it to Si Wan College.




Check the documents are complete → check the signature completed → fill in the online form → confirm and submit → complete the application


Note: If any of the documents and signatures are incomplete, exception handling cannot be performed, and additional supplementary submissions will not be accepted.


Note: No print form service is provided.

申請結果:未通過審查者,將另以電話通知Those who fail the review will be notified by phone.


The application materials will be sent to the Curriculum Division, please confirm the official course selection result again.
